Good Governance
Inspired by the apparent turmoil happening all over the world; from Brexit in the United Kingdom, to the resurgence of radical conservative forces in Europe; from the emergence of Mr. Trump to the helm of the most powerful nation on earth, to the appeal of anti social, foul mouthed Duterte of Philippines and Jair Bolsonaro of Brasil; from the ouster of Omar Bashir in Sudan and of the governor in Puerto Rico, to the growing popularity of the slogan/movement People Power in Uganda and elsewhere in the world, ISF's Talk Africa Radio has seen it pertinent to air a series entitled "Good Governance and Development".
These will be aired on our online radio and should extend until this vast topic is exhausted, if that it even possible! Below is the precis of how we intend to proceed:
1. What is Governance?
2. Types of Governance:
3. Governance and Economics; the dialectic
4. Democracy - Origins - Greek demos - people kratein- rule ; citizens vs idiotes
- How democracy has evolved: Transition via Roman republicanism, into absolute monarchism, constitutional monarchism, and finally back to people involvement.
5. Forces opposed to democracy today: can democracy win?
- Strengths and benefits of democracy
- Challenges: oligarchic tendencies on the rise (US, Rusha, China etc..)
5. Recommendations
Political and Economics: What is primary
Security Versus Freedom of Expression
The debate as to what is more important has been raging since time immemorial.
How to get rid of an entrenched dictator
- Organize a coup?
- Organize an insurrection?
- Carry out grassroots organization?
- How?
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